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Welcome to what is probably the FIRST fan made subtlerage page. I know it's pretty weak at the moment, but all that will change soon, I promise you. :)

subtlerage is Andrew Miller, and let me tell you, he is one hell of a fine musician. His music is not real easy to desribe without sounding stupid, so I'm going to just direct to to click on the audio link. This will take you to his audio samples page until I get samples of my own to host here.

subtlerage currently has three CDs available, First Impressions, Viscious Cycle and Random Acts of Insanity. All are exteremly good. Full of wonderful keyboard and synth sounds and some cool guitar every now and then. :) Andrew also does have a very good voice, very suited to his music. Samples from his albums are available on the Audio page. Check out his official page

Webmaster's note: This page currently looks like shit, I know, I made it at 4:30 AM. :)
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Copyright 2000 Younique Productions
Last Updated: 23:02 10/02/02